Tuesday 19 February 2013

Went and got a few recommendations for dinner.  Ended up with Barbeque Nation.  This was a fantastic choice. Was a little bbq dropped into your table.  Also sorts of meats put on skeweres and put over the bbq.  I had a table to myself and was served by 4-5 staff.  Also they kept bringing out prawns, fish, mushrooms, lamb on the swewers and salad, dips sauces on the side.  Then had buffet with other meats, roti, curries, sweets.  Was one of the best meals I have had for quite a while.. total cost 650RP or around $13.    Couple of phots below, midway through one of my servings.

BBQ Nation - Mumbai

Meat skewers that are laid across a portable bbq with hot coals built into the table.  Pretty neat. Food was delicious these were the appetisers and they kept reloading skewers - I had to tell them to stop so I could sample the buffet.

Day 2 - slept well,  gym and big breakfast.. they have these traditional breakfast of rice pancakes filled with potato baji.. very filling and the cook a bit better than me.. Have a couple of meeting today but will still fit a bit  of sightseeing in for sure.

This pic was near the victoria station mumbai - it is a government municipality builing.
outside victoria station in the 1800's orignially as train station.

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