Tuesday 5 February 2013

OK - this is the first of many blogs - I think.. It is February 2013.

Like to use this as a way of keeping a track of my adventures, thoughts and feelings and hopefully a good way of staying in touch with family and friends.

I am 42 years old and already done a fair bit of travel both with work and on holidays, one of the main  passions I have in life.  Some of my previous highlights include Moscow, USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Cook Islands, UK, France, Prague, Brugge, New Zealand and Asia (hong kong, china, malaysia, bali, thailand).

Rather than trying to capture old thoughts and uploading old photos I want to start from now and just record photos and comments, insights from now on... who knows maybe one day will have time to go back and add others in.

a few  paragraphs / Bio on me....

Generally happy demeanour (although maybe sometimes grumpy) basically pretty easy going and love life.  However feel that work tends to suffocate this somewhat and sometimes end up over tired and not as relaxed as I know I would like to be.  I consider myself pretty balanced, still love sport, now more watching than playing. Great relationship, married nearly 20 years, 3 wonderful kids.   Still dream of getting really fit again.  Although a real introvert ironically enjoy people watching and life.  Always had a fascination for travel and conquering the unknown.

I am probably attracted to people who take on live and live with passion,  generally people with strong personalities,  like kirsten.  I  can't tolerate things that are inefficient,  pretentiousness, bureaucracies and  stupid people.  I  can be a little stubborn, cynical & skeptical by nature.

Have a great family that I am really proud of and we are all very close,  this is the guilty balance I have with travel.  Hate being away from Kir and kids but love the rich experience it brings. So I plan to also include many of future trips with family and kids.

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