Tuesday 19 February 2013

India - Day 1 Mumbai

Pretty hectic schedule of late... spent 4 days on the gold coast at a conference and then flew back into Perth on Sunday.

Had one night at home with the kids, making pizza and catching up on their lives.

Now Monday 18th Feb... at the qantas club, about to take off on first trip to India.... I got lucky at the desk and managed an exit row for the first leg of my journey.  I am really looking forward to the trip and expect some sensory overload, with the crowds, poverty, smells, food etc.. At the same time have an overwhelming sense of excitement and the unknown.

Arrived at hotel at 11pm and didn't see much.. Slept ok was beautiful hotel once inside.. Slums just over the road, look like any slums in 3rd world country I guess, similar to favelas in brazil. 

Got up pretty early and took at taxi to the south end of town to see some of the old english buildings.. gateway to india, victoria station.  As expected traffic was chaotic but was told not bad for mumbai standards.  I allowed 90 mins to get to the start of my walking tour with mubai magic and was ahead of schedulde so stopped of at Chapati beach..

Local tour was great, saw the usual sights but also caught local buses and trains as part of the journey.

Had some great street food, at a local restraunt that specialises in this.. was really tasty and all vegetarian.

I caugtht a blue cab which was 2-3 times the price of the normal cabs.. found out that most cabs (normal black and yellow ones are not allowed to have air conditioning as it is illegal and you need a special licence ) apparently no good for the enviroment.. The 10 million cars on the road don't help either.

Chapati Beach Mumbai around 9am

In frount of the Taj Hotel - famous landmark next to gateway of india.

Train journeys locally cost 5rp or about 10 cents. Everything pretty cheap as expected and heading back out this evening to local beaches and resturants.

Where clothes for hotels and rich locals are washed.  Dhobi Ghat.  Men here work 18hrs a day 7 days a week.

Living the dream if you can afford it.  Highrise living downtown

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